AN-109 - LinkSwitch-XT2SR 系列非隔离反激式电源设计指南 |
AN-104 - InnoSwitch4-Pro Family Programming Manual |
This manual describes the software implementation including driver libraries used to control InnoSwitch4-Pro operations. Important aspects of this document are calculations for the values to be programmed for various configurations such as voltage, current, cable drop compensation, constant power, I²C command sequences to prevent any unexpected behaviors, device responses and code examples. |
AN-103 - InnoSwitch4-Pro PIC16F18325 Code Library Overview and Guide |
This document discusses the application of Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) library for the InnoSwitch4-Pro IC family. This library can be used with both the InnoSwitch3-Pro and InnoSwitch4-Pro family of devices. This code was designed to be highly portable with different microcontroller platforms. |
AN-102 - InnoSwitch3-Pro/InnoSwitch4-Pro Arduino Code Library Overview and Guide |
The application of InnoSwitch3-Pro and InnoSwitch4-Pro Family Arduino Library is discussed in this document. This code was designed to be highly portable with different microcontroller platforms. |
AN-101 - InnoSwitch4-Pro Master Debugger User's Guide |
This guide will allow the user to get sufficient knowledge on how to operate the devices with the use of a simple microcontroller such as Arduino. The microcontroller used is an Arduino Mega 2560 to satisfy the memory requirement of the master debugger file. |
AN-100 - InnoSwitch4-Pro 配置板 (TST-047) 用户指南 |
本手册是InnoSwitch3-Pro 配置板(TST-047) 的用户指南。 InnoSwitch4-Pro配置板也可用作控制InnoSwitch4-Pro电源的工具。本文档介绍了配置板的组成、工作原理以及如何与InnoSwitch4-Pro 系列器件配合使用。它还包含电路原理图、物料清单和印刷电路板布局。 |
AN-82 TinySwitch-4 Family Design Guide |
This application note is intended for engineers designing an isolated AC-DC flyback power supply using TinySwitch-4 family of devices. It provides guidelines to enable an engineer to quickly select key components and also to complete a suitable transformer design. |
AN-98 - LinkSwitch-TNZ Family Buck and Buck-Boost Design Guide |
This application note provides information for designing a non-isolated power supply using the LinkSwitch-TNZ family of devices. This document describes the design procedure for buck and buck-boost converters. |
AN-95 InnoSwitch3-PD Design Guide |
This application note is intended to assist in designing an isolated AC-DC flyback power supply or charger using the InnoSwitch3-PD device. It provides guidelines for selecting key components and the information necessary to complete a suitable transformer design. |
AN-92 MinE-CAP Design Guide |
This application note is intended as a design guide for engineers designing an isolated AC-DC single-stage flyback power supply using the MinE-CAP family of devices. It is assumed that the designer is using the MinE-CAP together with the InnoSwitch3 family of power conversion ICs. However, the design equations shown can be used for applications beyond the scope of this document. |
AN-86 - LinkSwitch-XT2 Design Guide |
This application note (AN) provides guidance for using LinkSwitch-XT2 and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the LinkSwitch-XT2 family data sheet. |
AN-90 TinySwitch-III Family Design Guide |
This application note (AN) provides guidance for using TinySwitch-III and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the TinySwitch-III family data sheet. |
AN-88 TinySwitch-LT Family Design Guide |
This application note (AN) provides guidance for using TinySwitch-LT and should be read in conjunction with and in the context of the TinySwitch-LT family data sheet. |
AN-84 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Toggle Board (TST-047) User's Guide |
Provides guidance to developers on how to use an evaluation board (TST-047) to test and debug InnoSwitch3-Pro based power supplies. |
AN-85 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Master Debugger User’s Guide |
This application note describes the use of a tool made using an Arduino-UNO and an LCD Display shield which enabled evaluation of the power stage made using InnoSwitch3-Pro. |
AN-79 - InSOP-24和HSOP-28波峰焊接设计指南 |
本文件提供了InSOP-24和HSOP-28封装的波峰焊设计指南,特别是那些没有底部裸露焊盘的封装。尽管建议使用红外/对流回流焊进行表面贴装,但这两种封装在波峰焊不可用或不被首选时也可以使用。本文件提供了焊盘布局、焊盘之间的最大间距以及拖锡焊盘的方向和设计的建议。 |
AN-72 - InnoSwitch3 Family Design Guide |
This application note is intended for engineers designing an isolated AC-DC flyback power supply or charger using the InnoSwitch3 family of devices. It provides guidelines to enable an engineer to quickly select key components and also complete a suitable transformer design. |
AN-77 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library using Arduino |
Download the code library: InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library and API for Arduino |
AN-78 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library using PIC16F18325 |
Download the code library: InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library and API for Microchip PIC16F18325 |
AN-74 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Programming Manual |
Provides guidance to developers on how to program the InnoSwitch3-Pro product through its I2C interface. |