INN3279C in 20W doesn't work
Im making 20W adaptor using INN3279C-H114
The topology is Quasi-resonant flyback and input is 220rms and out put is 5V 4A CV
The R2CD snubber spec
Line R with diode=33
but when we simulate the product the IC get hotter and E-load voltage is getting up but the current is non working
I think the SR switch is doesn't work.
We use CSD18543Q3A beside A0N7262E.
The CSD18543Q3A doens't match INN3279C-H114?
And the INN3279C-HH14 operate in 65W
It can also operate in 20W?
I attach schametic pile so please see and check our parameters
thank you
If you are using a 65W rated part for a 20W application (with a transformer sized for 20W), you need to make sure that the available peak current from the 65W part does not saturate the 20W transformer. A measurement of drain current will determine if the transformer is saturating. You may want to reconsider and use a part that is better rated for your actual application.
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